Articles, news, interviews, blog posts and other external sources of information that refers to UNEXUP.
“Deep dive exploration with UX1-Neo Robot in Hranice Propast”
”Exploring deep flooded caves can be dangerous for humans, so robots are a very useful tool for deep underwater exploration. An expedition in the Czech Republic carried out by a team from INESCTEC and UGR- Unexmin Geo Robotics, allowed to explore and map the deepest known flooded natural cave in the world, The robot UX1-Neo explored and mapped the Hranice Propast abyss at a depth of 450m.”

The Final Conference of the UNEXUP project is being promoted at the Raw Materials Week 2022 website – at the ”Satellite events” session.
(in Hungarian) “With the help of Hungary, the world record for the depth of water caves was broken”
“The UX-1Neo robot, made with the cooperation of researchers from the University of Miskolc, mapped the world’s deepest water-flooded cave to a depth of 450 meters – thereby increasing the known depth of the cave by nearly 50 meters.”
(in Hungarian) “A diving robot has achieved a world record”
“Gergely Balázs, scientific vice-president of the Hungarian Diving Association, also took part in the international project, which aimed to map the world’s currently known deepest water-filled cave, Hranická Propas in the Czech Republic, with a diving robot.”
(in Portuguese) “Robot with Portuguese technology breaks World Record in the exploration of the Hranická propropast”
“The UX-1Neo robot was developed by a team of researchers from INESC TEC and broke the world depth record in exploring the deepest natural cave in the world, reaching 450 meters“
(in Portuguese) “Robot with Portuguese tecnology breaks record: 450 meters depth in Hranická propropast”
This News post reports the great achievement from UX-1Neo in the latest field mission in UNEXUP – in Czech Republic. The objective of the last field work to explore the world’s currently known deepest water-filled cave, however, the highlight of the mission was the world record by achieving a depth of 450 m!
“Robots Capable of Mapping Any Mine Including Those Under Water – Interview with Richard Papp”
In this episode, Richard Papp, the CEO of UNEXMIN GeoRobotics (UNEXUP partner), was invited to talk about the technological developments and achievements in geo-robotics during the UNEXMIN and UNEXUP projects. Richard also mentions the diversity of applications and environments in which the robot can offer solutions, not only in the mining industry, but also in other sectors.
The issue 3 of UV2 Magazine has published an editorial concerning the UNEXUP project, with information on the predecessor UNEXMIN as well, and the robots that were developed in the projects: UX-1 (UNEXMIN, 2018) and UX-1Neo (UNEXUP, 2020). UNEXUP is referred on pages 76 – 75.
(in Portuguese) “Um dos submarinos mais avançados nasceu no INESC TEC”
The portuguese TV channel “Porto Canal” interviewed Alfredo Martins – from INESC TEC – who talked about the first field missions of UX-1Neo, its capabilities and achievements, and the next steps of the UNEXUP project. In addition, the interview covered details on the motivation of the consortium to initiate innovative projects such as UNEXMIN and UNEXUP, with the purpose to address the current challenges related to the raw materials supply in Europe, and the high costs involved in conventional methods.
(in Portuguese) “UX-1Neo: Um dos submarinos mais avançados do mundo nasceu no INESC TEC”
The portuguese “SAPO” – media content and services provider – created a blog post to talk about the development of UX-1Neo by the partner INESC TEC. This news item also provides an overview of the context of UNEXUP, the technological developments of the robotic platform, and a few words about the first field mission – at Urgeiriça Mine, Portugal.
“INESC TEC tested one of the most advanced underwater robots in the world“
Our partner INESCTEC – technology developers – used their News section of the website to talk about the UNEXUP project. The post refers to the project as a whole, its context, the objectives and technological development of the robotic platform, and also the first field mission that took place in Urgeiriça Mine, in Portugal, starting on May 27.
“UX1-NEO: Our most recent robot“
Our partner INESCTEC – technology developers – made a post on their Instagram introducing the UX-1Neo robot, with some pictures of it during lab tests at INESCTEC facilities. In addition, the post emphasizes the importance of surveying flooded mines, and how this innovative robotic solution was build to address this challenge.
“State of the art UX-1Neo underwater mine surveying robot ready for work“
International Mining (IM) published a News post on their website about the development of UX-1Neo, sharing its main characteristics and geoscientific instrumentation. In addition, it mentioned its current availability to conduct field work in flooded mines and other underwater environments. “International Mining (IM) is a global publication covering mining and minerals processing technology, methods, equipment and services.”
“UX-1Neo robot by UNEXUP is ready to survey underground flooded mines“
EIT RawMaterials made a publication on their website advertising the most recent UNEXUP Press Release – about the novel UX-1Neo robot, which was that was published earlier this month. In addition, you can check the 3-minute promo video about the project.
“EIT RawMaterials’ Call for pilots: uncover your flooded mine with UNEXUP project”.
The European Institute of Innovation & Technology have posted on their website the ongoing “Call for Pilots” campaign that is being implemented on UNEXUP social media channels. This campaign has the purpose to invite potential users of the technology to get in contact with the consortium to discuss the opportunities that the project is offering.
(In Hungarian) “UNEXMIN, UNEXUP – autonomous diving robots can detect water-flooded mines, coordinated by University of Miskolc“.
The Project Coordinator, Norbert Zajzon, was interviewed by NOVUM – a Hungarian TV channel. It was broadcasted on 17th of May, on M5 TV channel. The interview is now available online on
UNEXUP and UNEXMIN are mentioned from (18:48) in the video.
UNEXUP was mentioned among the “The latest Petrological and Geological News”, by Henrique Tono. The author referred to the Technical Requirements post from the UNEXUP webpage.
This source referred to the “News” post made by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT).
“EIT RawMaterials-supported project is scaling up with commercialisation prospects“
The European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) published a “News” post about UNEXUP on their website. The post covers information found on the March 2020 Press Release, such as the relationship with the predecessor project – UNEXMIN; objectives; additional robot that will be developed; commercialization of the technology; and the consortium partners that are working on the project.
“UNEXUP – Upscaling of UNEXMIN: An Autonomous Underwater Explorer for Flooded Mines”
The EIT RawMaterials, funding consortium of the UNEXUP project, has published a news post about the project. It refers to our first Press Release – available on the Downloads page – which covers information about the project’s objectives, background, ambitious targets, technological challenges, overall strategy, as well as the contact persons.
(In Hungarian). “Csúcstechnológia a semmi közepén (High technology in the middle of nowhere)“
An interview published by Babinszki Edit on Tudá website. The UNEXUP researchers Máté Koba and Zoltán Papp Richárd talked about the project’s objectives, challenges and technological developments of the UX-1 robotic platform.