The EGU General Assembly 2021 (vEGU21: Gather Online) was held in the past two weeks – from 19th to 30th April. This virtual meeting has gathered scientists, researchers, industry members, and the general public from all over the world with a common interest: disciplines related to the Earth, planetary, and space sciences.
In this occasion, the UNEXUP project was presented in session ERE5.4 – Mineral exploration for the XXI Century, on 29th April, and it was highlighted by session conveners as being of public interest. The session counted with 21 presentations (2-minutes each), which were brief opportunities for the presenters to introduce their work to the attendees, followed by a private Q&A session at the end.
The UNEXUP project was present twice in this session:
- UNEXUP, a robotic exploration technology for underground flooded mines: At first, Márcio Tameirão (LPRC) presented the project as a whole, focusing on the context, objectives, the UX-1Neo robot, UX-2, field missions, and the commercialization of the technology – introducing the partner UNEXMIN GeoRobotics (UGR).
- 3D photogrammetry of flooded mines and caves with the UX-1 series underwater exploration robots – The UNEXUP Project: Afterwards, Richárd Zoltán Papp (UGR / UNIM) gave a presentation focused on the 3D photogrammetry technique, obtained from the built-in RGB cameras of UX-1, which contributes to the acquisition of valuable spatial and geoscientific knowledge from flooded mines and other underwater environments.
In the Downloads page of our website you can find the communication materials that were developed for this event:
The session had an average of 45 attendees, and you can learn more about the event by following the official hashtags #EGU21 | #vEGU21 on social media!